Once you verify that the SuperSync Server is running, the configuration on this computer is complete.If you still have issues starting the SuperSync Server, see the Server Help and the Network Trouble Shooting Guide. Note: If the SuperSync Server isn't running, confirm SuperSync's Preferences (Step 2). In the lower right-hand corner of the SuperSync Window, the server status should change from "Publishing to "Server Running " Verify that the SuperSync Server is running by looking at SuperSync's Status Bar.These checkboxes will allow your computer to be seen by other computers running SuperSync. Enable/Check the ' Enable SuperSync Server' and the ' Accept Music Uploads From Other Networked SuperSync(s)' checkboxes. Open SuperSync's Preferences ( ,) via SuperSync's FILE menu (Mac) or EDIT menu (Windows).If you see this screen, you can enter it now, or later in the next steps.
Note: The first time you launch SuperSync, SuperSync will ask you if you want to enable the SuperSync Server and setup a password for server access. When the SuperSync starts, SuperSync will connect to your iTunes library and show it's content.
Install and launch SuperSync on Computer #1.Typically your Local Library is configured to us iTunes and you then connect to various "remote" libraries such as iPods,iPhones, disk drives, and other networked SuperSync libraries. Note: All of the Quick Start guides below assume that you are using iTunes as your default local music library. Tip: Before attempting a complete synchronization, at least for the first time, you should synchronize only one or two files to make sure they're going where you expect them. Other configurations, such as syncing with a network drive are discussed later in this manual. If you are using a different configuration, please read this guide since the concepts in presented here will also help you understand the basics of SuperSync. Both computers will use SuperSync's to 'Get', 'Put', and 'Sync' files between the two iTunes libraries.Both libraries will be 'Sync'ed' so both computers have the same content.Both computers have different content in their libraries.Both computers use iTunes to manage that computer's music, movies, etc.Both computers are connected to the same network/LAN.Two computers (Computer #1 and Computer #2).This guide walks you through the setup and syncing of two iTunes Libraries over a network using SuperSync.įor the purpose of this guide, we will be using the following scenario: SuperSync Quick Setup Guide Syncing Between Two iTunes Libraries Over A Network Use iTunes and SuperSync with a network drive.Please note: Because SuperSync is optimized for the iPod/iTunes combo, it's of special interest to cross-platform families. Best of all, there's peace of mind in using SuperSync to quickly and easily create a backup library on a separate hard disk from any music source, including your iPod! SuperSync gives you the power of choice, allowing you to copy all or just part of your collection from one source machine to another. You can even use SuperSync to consolidate your music library to a network drive, and access your home music library from anywhere, using your Tivo, iPhone, or internet browser!
You can port all of your music on a Mac to a Windows machine, and vice versa. With SuperSync installed on your network, you'll be able to hunt down and resolve many of the issues that plague large collections of music - partial albums, duplicates, missing tracks, corrupt files, and more. Using SuperSync, all of your music, movies, videos, and playlists can be the same across all of your computers, regardless of operating system!

SuperSync saves the day, by allowing you to visually compare and merge multiple iTunes libraries. It's hard to keep track of what music is on which machine, and nothing stings more than paying for a song that you forgot that you ALREADY OWNED on another library!
If you've got a household full of music lovers, chances are you also have multiple iTunes and other music libraries on a number of different computers - every PC, Mac, and laptop, each with its own collection of tunes.